Developed for Nordic Game Jam 2024 (NGJ2024)
Stuck in a dystopian airport with no passport, Shengone forces players to find lookalike passengers, before stealing their documentation and passing through border control under this false pretenses. Shengone uses the players webcam to provide a real-to-life character creation experience where the in-game avatar is a reflection of the human lurking behind the controls.
Hold [Right-Click] on a person to pickpocket them.
Press [E] on a pickupabble object, to pick it up (go to the shop?)
Presss [Left-Click] to throw a held item.
The project was developed with Unity, with the 3D models being made with MagicaVoxel before a pixel-filter is applied to the gameplay-view for a old, commy appeal. Please feel free to give it a try, and let us know any feedback in the comments!
- Amber Swarbrick (All-around All Star!)
- Petru Mihail-Craicun (Programming, Testing)
- Toby Clark (Level Design, 3D-Modelling)
- Jesal Vadgama (3D-Modelling & Testing)
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